Peter (PK) Jonason, Ph.D.
I originally intended to be a lawyer, but then I took a class with the late Ross Buck who introduced me to evolutionary psychology. It was then I realized I wanted to pursue a career in research. After I completed my B.A. in Political Science and Communication Sciences (2000) and my M.A. in Communication Sciences at the University of Connecticut (2003), I got my Ph.D. in Psychology at New Mexico State University (2009). By training I am a social/personality psychologist who uses evolutionary theory to derive predictions and account for observable phenomena in (mostly) personality, individual differences, mating strategies, and sexuality (see GoogleScholar; ScholarGPS;; ResearchGate; Sage Policy Tracker).
Some career highlights
2008: Editorial board: The Journal of Social Psychology
2009: Ph.D. in Psychology: New Mexico State University
2011: Editor SIs & Reviews: Personality and Individual Differences
2014: IgNobel award in psychology
2015: Visiting scholar: Lomonosov Moscow State University
2015: Visiting scholar: University of Western Ontario.
2015: Senior Associate Editor: Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
2015: Senior Lecturer: Western Sydney University
2016: Fellow at the Secular Policy Institute
2017: Assistant Editor: Psych. Sci. Accelerator Project
2017: Academic Editor: PLOS 1
2017: Keynote speaker: Human Behavior and Evolution Society
2017:Created the journal Frontiers in Psychology (Evolutionary)
2018: Visiting scholar: University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
2018: Keynote speaker: Cross-cultural self-enhancement
2018: Founded Australasian Soc. for Human Behav. & Evolution
2019: Ulam Scholarship for Academic Exchange to Warsaw, Poland
2020: Promoted to Associate Professor: University of Padua
2020: OPUS (Poland) grant to study personality in online dating
2021: coEditor-in-Chief: Personality and Individual Differences
2021: Awarded rank of University Associate Professor in Poland
2022: Coordinating Editor: Personality and Individual Differences
2022: Published edited volume on measurement (video summary)
2022: Became president of the Association for Personality & EP
2022: Plenary Speaker: Polish Society for Human Evolution Studies
2022: Qualified as Full Professor in Italy
2023: Editor-in-Chief, Studia Psychologica
2023: 200th peer reviewed article published (mid-February)
2023: Hosted Humans in Evolutionary Perspective, Padua IT
2024: Awarded the rank of Full Professor in Poland
2024: Elected, extraordinary member, Polish Psychological Association
2024: Full Professor awarded in Poland